Social Items

SSC English second paper "Articles".

Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 


A true friend is (a)­­­_____ asset. He stands by his (b)­­­_____ friend in time of danger. He is not (c)­­­_____ greedy man. He always wishes for (d)­­­_____ welfare of his friend. But it is (e)­­­_____   matter of (f)­­­_____ fact that (g)­­­_____ ideal friend is very rare today. (h)­­­_____ selfish man cannot be (i)­­­_____ friend. He thinks of his own (j)­­­_____ interest.
Answer: a) an b) × c) a  d) the e) a f)×  g) an h) a i) a j) ×

.......Barachirchar, (a) ­­­_____ village by (b) ­­­_____ side of the Dhaleswari. It is a big village on (c)­­­_____ sandy eastern bank of the river. Walking in knee deep (d)­­­_____ great pleasure. But you walk there bare footed when (e)­­­_____ blazing sun is at its height.
Answer: a) a b) the c) the d) a e) the
Truthfulness is (a) ­­­_____ greatest of all (b) ­­­_____ virtues that make (c)­­­_____ person really great. If you do not cultivate (d)­­­_____ habit of speaking (e)­­­_____ truth, we cannot command (f) ­­­_____ confidence of others. The man whom nobody believes can never the famous in life. It may be that we may succeed once and twice by telling (g) ­­­_____ lie, but it never bring about (h)­­­_____ good results. A lie never lies hidden. Today or tomorrow it comes to light. Then (i)­­­_____ real character of (j)­­­_____ lair is revealed and nobody believes him. Everybody hates him and also speak ill of him at the back.
Answer: a) the b) × c) a  d) a e) the f) the g) a h) a i) the j) a
Eid-ul-fitr is (a) ­­­_____ greatest religious festival of (b) ­­­_____ Muslim all over (c)­­­_____ world. It is celebrated with (d)­­­_____ great joy through (e)­­­_____ Muslim world. All Muslims, especially the young ones, remain eager for Eid as it draws near.
Answer: a) the b) × c) the d) a e) the

(a) ­­­_____ American, (b) ­­­_____ Frenchman, and (c)­­­_____ Englishman had been to Mexico city, (d)­­­_____ capital of Mexico. They went sight seeing by (e)­­­_____ taxi, (f) ­­­_____ three tourists were admiring (g) ­­­_____ tall building in (h)­­­_____ city. (i)­­­_____ American was very proud of (j)­­­_____ Empire state building situated in New York.
Answer: a) An b) a c) an d) The e) a f) The g) a h) the i) the j) The

(a) _____ Beautiful garden surrounds the Tajmahal. (b) ­­­_____ green trees of (c)­­­_____ garden make the Tajmahal's marble look even (d)­­­_____ white. There is a long narrow pool in (e)­­­_____ front of (f) ­­­_____ main entrance to (g) ­­­_____ building. It you look in this pool you can see all (h)­­­_____ beauty of the Tajmahal in (i)­­­_____ reflection in (j)­­­_____ water.
Answer: a) A b) The c) the d) × e) the f) the g) the h) the i) the j) the

(a) ­­­_____ Computer is (b) _____wonderful invention of modern science. It is (c)­­­_____ man made machine and works according to (d)­­­_____ instruction given to it. It was Pascal who invented (e)­­­_____ theory of calculation. There are five components in (f) ­­­_____ computer. In (g) ­­­_____ modern world, computer renders a great service to (h)­­­_____ people for prosperity. It has lessened our work load to (i)­­­_____ great extent. In fact, computer is doing a great job by substituting (j)­­­_____ human brain.
Answer: a) × b) a c) a d) the e) the f) a g) the h) the i) a j) the
A Teacher is (a) ­­­_____ noble person in our society. He imparts education and enkindles (b) ­­­_____ light of (c)­­­_____ knowledge (d)­­­_____ among students. He is really (e)­­­_____ very important person in any society or country. He is called (f) ­­­_____ architect of (g) ­­­_____ nation. He dispels (h)­­­_____ darkness of ignorance from (i)­­­_____ mind of the students. He stirs up the sprite of curiosity and (j)­­­_____ sincerity among students.
Answer: a) a b) the c) × d) × e) a f) an g) a h) the i) the j) the

Long ago, there was (a) ­­­_____ sultan in Bengal. His name is Giasuddin Azom. His capital was (b) ­­­_____ Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was (c)­­­_____ very just and kind ruler. (d)­­­_____ sultan's hobby was hunting. One day he was on hunting (e)­­­_____ deer in (f) ­­­_____ jungle. He shot (g) ­­­_____ arrow aiming at (h)­­­_____fawn. The arrow missed (i)­­­_____ aim. By chance it pierced (j)­­­_____ boy standing in the jungle.
Answer: a) a b) the c) a d) the e) a f) the g) an h) a i) the j) a

May day is (a) ­­­_____ international holiday of the working class. May day has been (b) ­­­_____ symbol for the workers all over (c)­­­_____ world. It teaches us to establish (d)­­­_____ exploitation free society. In our country it is not (e)­­­_____ isolated matter.
Answer: a) an b) a c) the d) an e) an

Bangladesh is no doubt one of (a) ­­­_____ poorest countries in the world, having (b) ­­­_____ few enemies (c)­­­_____ few countries encircling her are not much richer then she. They have (d)­­­_____ little to do about our internal affairs. Our large population is rather (e)­­­_____ burden than (f) ­­­_____ asset, but it is (g) ­­­_____ fact that (h)­­­_____ days are not very far when we will be (i)­­­_____ able to win in (j)­­­_____ race with many other countries.
Answer: a) the b) a c) a d) a e) a f) an g) a h) the i) ×  j) the

It (a) ­­­_____ was dark night. A blind man was walking along (b) ­­­_____ road with (c)­­­_____ lamp in his hand. Two men laughed at (d)­­­_____ blind man. One said, "what's (e)­­­_____ use of (f) ­­­_____ lamp to a blind man?" The other called him (g) ­­­_____ fool. The blind man heard this and said, "It's for those who are (h)­­­_____ careless". "What (i)­­­_____ surprise", said (j)­­­_____ others.
Answer: a) × b) the c) a d) the e) the f) a g) a h) the i) a  j) the

Money cannot buy absolute (a)_____ happiness on (b)_____ earth. It is (c)_____ must for (d)_____ existence of life. Happiness is completely (e)_____ psychological thing. It is quite (f)_____ specific thing. People with (g)_____ vast wealth cannot be happy while (h)_____ others can derive fullest satisfaction without it. He who is satisfied with what he has is (i)_____ happier compared to others. Though money has a role to do with (j)_____ happiness, it cannot give one perfect satisfaction.
Answer: a) × b) the c) a d) the e) a f) ×  g) a h) the i) the  j) the

Mr. Patrick is (a)_____ European. As he is (b)_____ Englishman, he knows (c)_____ English well, he is (d)_____ honour able to every one though he is (e)_____ one eyed man. One day having (f)_____ sos, he went to (g)_____ USA. His brother, Milton living there, joined (h)_____ army last year, he is (i)_____ younger of the two brothers. When Mr. Patrick met his brother he could not but shed (j)_____ tears.
Answer: a) a b) an c) the d) an e) a f) a  g) the h) the i) the  j) ×

When (a)_____ great poet Fredousi Begum to write (b)_____ Shahnama, the sultan promised him (c)_____ piece of gold for each (d)_____ verse. When (e)_____ epic was finished, it was found to contain sixty thousand  (f)_____ verses, instead of giving gold coin the Sultan offered the poet only sixty thousand silver (g)_____ coins. The poet refused to take the silver coins and left the court with (h)_____ broken heart. He was (i) _____ aggrieved man. Later on, the Sultan realized that he had made (j) _____ blunder.
Answer: a) the b) a c) a d) × e) the f) ×  g) × h) a i) an  j) a


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