Social Items

Emails and Letters Collection.

Write a letter to your friend information her/him about your plan after the SSC examination. 
21 June, 2016

Dear ………………..,
I got your letter yesterday. In your letter you wanted to know about my plan after the SSC examination. You know after SSC I will get only two-three months. I do not want to waste my time in vain. Now-a-day computer is a compulsory subject. So I have decided to take training on Computer. It will increase my skills. Knowledge on computer will help me to the way of my higher education and career. So I think it is a right decision.
No more today.

Your loving friend,

Write a letter to your uncle describing a picnic you have recently enjoyed.

21 June, 2016
Dear Uncle,
At first take my salam. Hope you are hale and hearty. Today I am going to describe you the picnic I have recently enjoyed.
Our picnic spot was Sonargaon. We were about thirty friends. We reached there by bus at about 11 am with all necessary utensils and materials. After reaching Sonargaon, we had some snack. After that one of our friend became busy with cooking. We helped him in different works. Some were cooking, some were singing, some were cutting jokes and some were taking selfies and uploading them to facebook. About 2 p.m. the lunch was ready. All of us took our lunch with full appetite. After lunch we went out for sight seeing. The museum of  Sonargaon charmed us most. We started for home at 5 p.m.

Your loving nephew/niece

Write a letter to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your school.
21 June, 2016

Dear ……….,
I am happy to receive a nice picture of your school with your letter. In the letter, you wanted to know about the co-curricular activities of our school.
Our school is a renowned school, especially, for its extra-curricular activities. We have enough scope to take part in these activities. We have a debating club, an English Language club, a cricket team, a football team. However, our students have a long tradition and reputation in scouting. Every year we arrange study tour. We publish a school magazine every year.
No more today.

Yours ever,

Write an E-mail to your sister/brother describing the importance of reading newspaper.

Subject: The importance of reading newspaper.

Hi Fariha,
I hope you are well by the grace of almighty Allah. I became very shocked when I have heard from mother that you are not interested in reading newspaper regularly.
If you want to keep pace with the current world you must read newspaper. If you look through the newspaper, you can see the overall picture of the world. Newspaper is called the store house of knowledge. It gives us both news and recreation. It carries news and views of home and aboard to us. It also provides us cartons, puzzles, rhymes, poems, short-stories, painting, jokes and many other entertainments. Moreover it will help you to be thoughtful. From now, I hope you will read the daily newspaper regularly.
No more today. Convey my salam to father and mother and love to the younger.

Your loving sister/Brother

Write an E-mail to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of you school.

Subject: The prize giving ceremony of my school.

Hi Naher,
How are you? Today I am going to tell you about the prize-giving ceremony of my school which took place last Monday.
The day of prize-giving ceremony was a charming day for all the students of our school. The function started at 2:00 p.m. through recitation from the holy Quran. We decorated our school nicely with coloured paper. The guardians of all the students were invited. In the function, the U.N.O was the chief guest. Our headmaster read out the Annual Report of our school. Then the chief guest gave away the prizes among the winners. I also got a prize for good result in the examination. At last our headmaster thanked all the guests and others present on the occasion.
With love and good wishes to you.

Yours ever,

Write a letter to your friend on her/his brilliant success on test examination.
21 June, 2016
Dear …………….,
I got your letter yesterday. I am very much glad to know that you have got “A+” on test examination. It is a great pleasure for me. I am proud of you. Please accept my cordial congratulation on your brilliant success. You are really worthy of this result. My parents are also very glad to know of your success. I hope that you will prosper in every step of life. Please come to visit our home as early as possible.
My best regards to your parents.

Your loving friend,

Write a letter to your friend condoling her/him for her/his father’s death.
21 June, 2016
Dear …………….,
I am very shocked to hear that your father is no more on earth. I could never think that he would leave us in such a premature age. I do not know how to console you. I still remember how affectionately he was. I genuinely miss him. Man is mortal. So please don’t loss heart.

May Allah give you strength to bear the loss. I pray heartily that his soul may rest in peace.

Your loving friend,

Write a letter to your friend describing the bad effect of smoking.
21 June, 2016
Dear …………….,
I am very shocked to hear that you have become a smoker. You are quite sensible and learned. So I think you could realize the harmful effect of smoking. Smoking will not only destroy your money but also your health. Smoking causes cancer, heart-attack and many other life taking diseases. It sometimes spoils the character. It can be said that smoking is as good as committing suicide. Please do not do any injustice to yourself. I shall be highly glad if you give up this bad habit without any delay.
No more today.

Yours ever,

Write a letter to your younger brother describing the necessity of learning English.
21 June, 2016
Dear Sadiq,
I am very glad to receive your letter. You have requested me to discuss about importance of learning English. So listen to me.
It is needless to say that English is an international language. English is need for your higher education. You can’t imagine higher education without English. Because almost all the books necessary for higher education are written in English. English is essential for  good jobs or  business. All that is best in modern civilization is available in English.
You can’t be benefited from modern science and technology without English. If we avoid English, we will keep ourselves aloof from the civilized world.
No more today .  With best wishes to you.

Yours ever,


  1. Write a letter to your younger brother describing the necessity of learning English.
    Write a letter to your younger brother describing the importance of learning English.
    Write a letter to your friend describing the bad effect of smoking.
    Write an email to your friend describing the bad effect of smoking.
    Write an E-mail to a friend for her/his hospitality.
    Write a letter to a friend for her/his hospitality.
