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reading room

Application to Headmaster for arrangement of reading room/common room.

05 January, 2022
The Headmaster,
Madambibirhat Shajahan High School,
Bhatiary, Sitakunda, Chittagong.
Subject: Application for arrangement of reading room.
We the students of your school beg most respectfully to state that our school has no reading room. As a result, the students spend their leisure hours and off periods either by gossiping or roaming aimlessly. This often disturbs the classes. But we may utilize our valuable time by reading daily newspapers and periodicals if we have a reading room.
We therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough for arrangement of reading room and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours,
Md Sami
On behalf of the students of M.B.H.S High School.

Application to Headmaster for arrangement of reading room/common room.

reading room

Application to Headmaster for arrangement of reading room/common room.

05 January, 2022
The Headmaster,
Madambibirhat Shajahan High School,
Bhatiary, Sitakunda, Chittagong.
Subject: Application for arrangement of reading room.
We the students of your school beg most respectfully to state that our school has no reading room. As a result, the students spend their leisure hours and off periods either by gossiping or roaming aimlessly. This often disturbs the classes. But we may utilize our valuable time by reading daily newspapers and periodicals if we have a reading room.
We therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough for arrangement of reading room and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours,
Md Sami
On behalf of the students of M.B.H.S High School.

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