Paragraph For Class 9-10 SSC
Our National Flag
A national flag is the symbol of independence of a nation. Every nation has a flag of its own. Bangladesh has also a national flag. It is the symbol of our national integrity, solidarity and sovereignty. Our national flag is a piece of rectangular green cloth with a red round patch in the middle. The proportion of its length and breadth is 10:6. The green colour stands for everlasting youth and vigor of the nation as well as the evergreen forest of Bangladesh. The red colour is the symbol of the rising sun of independence. It also symbolizes the blood of our freedom fighters. The flag is hoisted everyday on the top of our important government buildings and educational institutions. It is hoisted everywhere on the Independence Day and the Victory Day. It is kept half mast on the national mourning days. We honour our national flag. We are proud of our national flag.
Our National Flag Paragraph 420 Words
Word Meanings for Our National Flag:
- Flag (ফ্ল্যাগ) - পতাকা - a piece of fabric with a design that represents a country or organization
- Symbol (সিম্বল) - প্রতীক - a thing that represents or stands for something else
- Country (কান্ট্রি) - দেশ - a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory
- Independence (ইনডিপেন্ডেন্স) - স্বাধীনতা - the state of being free from the control or influence of others
- Martyrs (মার্টির্স) - শহীদ - people who die for a cause or belief, especially in a war or struggle
- Ratio (রেশিও) - অনুপাত - a comparison of two quantities, usually expressed as a fraction
- Length (লেংথ) - দৈর্ঘ্য - the measurement of something from end to end
- Breadth (ব্রেডথ) - প্রস্থ - the measurement of something from side to side
- Rectangle (রেক্ট্যাঙ্গল) - আয়তাকার - a four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel and equal in length
- Round (রাউন্ড) - গোল - shaped like a circle or sphere
- Circle (সার্কেল) - বৃত্ত - a round shape or figure
- Green (গ্রীন) - সবুজ - a color resembling grass or the leaves of trees or plants
- Fields (ফিল্ডস) - ফসলের মাঠ - an area of land used for agricultural purposes
- Vigour (ভিগর) - তেজ, সাহস- physical or mental strength, energy, or force
- Blood (ব্লাড) - রক্ত - the red liquid that circulates in the veins and arteries of humans and other animals
- Sacrifice (স্যাক্রিফাইস) - আত্মত্যাগ, বলিদান - the act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else considered more important or worthy
- Hoisted (হোইস্টেড) - উত্তোলিত - raised or lifted up, especially with the help of ropes or other devices
- Mourning (মর্নিং) - শোক - the expression of deep sorrow or grief, especially in response to a loss or death
- Duty (ডিউটি) - দায়িত্ব - a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility or task that one is required or expected to do
- Progress (প্রগ্রেস) - উন্নয়ন
- Freedom (ফ্রিডম) - স্বাধীনতা - the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint
- Victory (ভিক্টরি) - বিজয় - the act of defeating an opponent or enemy in a battle, game, or other competition
- Unity (ইউনিটি) - ঐক্য - the state of being united or joined as a whole, especially in a political or social sense
- Courage (কারেজ) - সাহস - the ability to do something difficult or dangerous despite fear or risk
- Patriotism (প্যাট্রিয়টিজম) - স্বদেশপ্রেম - love and devotion to one's country, often involving a sense of duty and sacrifice