Showing posts with label Prepositions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prepositions. Show all posts

Appropriate Prepositions

  1. Abide by (মেনে চলা) - Students should abide by their teachers
  2. Abide with (সংগে থাকা) – He abides with his uncle
  3. Abide in (বাস করা) – He abides in Dhaka
  4. Abstain from (বিরত থাকা) - We should abstain from smoking
  5. Accuse of (অভিযোগ করা) - The police accused him of the crime
  6. Account for (কোন কিছুর জন্য কৈফিয়ত দেওয়া) - He needs to account for all the expenses
  7. Account to (কারও কাছে কৈফিয়ত দেওয়া) – We shall have to account to Allah for our deeds
  8. Abound with (পূর্ণ থাকা) – The Pond abound with fish
  9. Abound in (প্রচুর পরিমানে থাকা)- Fish abounds in the Padma
  10. Accede to (রাজী হওয়া)-I acceded to his request
  11. Adhere to (লেগে থাকা, পালন করা) - It's essential to adhere to safety guidelines
  12. Admit to (ভর্তি হওয়া)- I was admitted to Chittagong College
  13. Adapt to (খাপ খাওযানো) - It takes time to adapt to a new environment
  14. Aim at (লক্ষ্য করা) - He aimed at the target and fired
  15. Appear before (হাজির হওয়া)
  16. Appear to (বোধ হওয়া, মনে হওয়া)
  17. Appear in (প্রকাশিত হওয়া)
  18. Agree to (কোন প্রস্তাবে রাজী হওয়া)
  19. Agree on (কোন বিষয়ে রাজী হওয়া) - They finally agreed on the terms of the contract.
  20. Agreed upon (একমত হওয়া) - The terms were agreed upon by both parties.
  21. Apply to (আবেদন করা) - You can apply to several universities
  22. Apply to (প্রয়োগ করা) - You can apply to several universities
  23. Apply for (আবেদন করা) - He decided to apply for the job.
  24. Apologize for (দোষ মেনে ক্ষমা চাওয়া) - She apologized for her mistake
  25. Arrive at (পৌঁছা) - The train will arrive at the station soon
  26. Ask for (জিজ্ঞাসা করা) - Don't hesitate to ask for help
  27. Associate with (সম্পর্ক রেখা) - She likes to associate with like-minded people
  28. Attend to (মনোনিবেশ করা) - Please attend to your responsibilities
  29. Back up (সংরক্ষণ করা) - Please back up your files before formatting the computer
  30. Bargain for ( দর কষাকষি করা) - He bargained for a lower price
  31. Bark at (ঘেউ ঘেউ করা)-Dogs always bark at a stranger(আগন্তুক)
  32. Bar of (বাধাঁ)- Poverty is bar of our success
  33. Based on (উপর ভিত্তি করে) The report is based on extensive research
  34. Bask in (পোহানো)
  35. Be good at (ভালো করা) - She is good at playing the piano
  36. Beware of (সাবধান)
  37. Beg of ( অনুরোধ করা ) Don't leave me here, I beg of you!
  38. Beg for ( দান করার জন্য অনুরোধ করা ) - The homeless man was begging for food on the streets
  39. Beneficial to (উপকারী) Exercise is beneficial to overall health. (সাধারণ স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য ব্যায়াম উপকারী।)
  40. Believe in (বিশ্বাস করা) - She believes in the power of dreams
  41. Benefit from (সুবিধা পাওয়া) - The students will benefit from the new educational program
  42. Bereft of ( বঞ্চিত, ব্যক্তি বা কিছু থেকে অবহেলিত)
  43. Bent upon ( সংকল্প বদ্ধ হওয়া ) - She was bent upon achieving her goals
  44. Beset with ( বেষ্টিত ) The country was beset with economic challenges
  45. Bestow on  (প্রদান করা) - The king bestowed honors on the brave soldiers
  46. Bet on - I wouldn't bet on him winning the race. (বাজি দেওয়া)
  47. Blame for (দোষ দেওয়া) - They blamed him for the accident
  48. Blind of (অন্ধ)  I'm blind of the beauty around me. (আমি আমার চারপাশের সৌন্দর্য দেখতে পারি না।)
  49. Blind to ( উদাসীন, কিছু বিষয়ে  উপলব্ধি করতে অক্ষম ) He seems blind to the flaws in his own work. (তিনি নিজের কাজের দোষে অন্ধ মনে হয়।)
  50. Blush at  (লাল হওয়া) - She blushed at the compliment
  51. Boast of (বড়ায় করা, গৌরবের কথা বলে বেড়ানো) - He liked to boast of his achievements
  52. Born of ()
  53. Borrow from (ধার নেওয়া) - Can I borrow a pen from you?
  54. Bring up ( লালন পালন করা) - He was brought up in a small town
  55. Bring in (আনা) - The company plans to bring in new talent
  56. Bring along (নিয়ে আসা) - Don't forget to bring your passport along.
  57. Break out  (বের হত্তয়া) -  A fire broke out in the building.
  58. Brood for ()
  59. Brood on or over ()
  60. Burdened with ()
  61. Busy at ( ব্যস্ত ) She is busy at work
  62. Burst into (কান্নায় ভেঙ্গে পড়া)
  63. Burst out (হাসিতে ফেটে পড়া)
  64. Blame for (দোষারোপ করা) - They blamed him for the accident
  65. Belong to (কারো অধিকারে থাকা) - This house belongs to the Smith family
  66. Build on - (উন্নতি করা) The company plans to build on its success. 
  67. Buy from -  (কেনা) I always buy fresh vegetables from the local market.
  68. Care for (যত্ন নেওয়া) - She cares for her elderly parents
  69. Collaborate with (সহযোগিতা করা) - They decided to collaborate with renowned experts
  70. Communicate with (যোগাযোগ করা) - Effective leaders always communicate with transparency
  71. Complain to (শিকায়ত করা) - If you have any concerns, please complain to the management 
  72. Compare to (তুলনা করা) - The poet compared her eyes to the stars
  73. Conform to (সামঞ্জস্য করা) - The product must conform to industry standards
  74. Contribute to (সংযোগ করা) - Your contributions will contribute to our cause
  75. Complain about (অভিযোগ করা) - Customers often complain about the slow service
  76. Compete with (প্রতিস্থাপন করা) - He's always eager to compete with his peers
  77. Comply with (মেনে চলা) - It's important to comply with the company's policies
  78. Concentrate on (মনোনিবেশ করা) - Please concentrate on your studies 
  79. Conform to (মেনে চলা) - The product must conform to safety standards
  80. Connect with (সংযোগ করা) - We can connect with friends through social media
  81. Consist of (গঠিত হওয়া) - The team consists of talented individuals
  82. Contribute to (অবদান করা) - He wants to contribute to the community
  83. Cooperate with (সহযোগিতা করা) - It's essential to cooperate with your team members
  84. Count on (নির্ভর করা) - You can always count on your best friend
  85. Cover with (ঢাকা) - She covered her head with a lovely hijab.
  86. Collaborate with (সহযোগিতা করা) - They decided to collaborate with experts from different fields
  87. Communicate with (যোগাযোগ করা) - Good leaders always communicate with their teams effectively
  88. Complain to (শিকায়ত করা) - If you have a problem, please complain to the customer service department
  89. Conform to (সামঞ্জস্য করা) - The design must conform to international standards
  90. Contribute to (সংযোগ করা) - Your contributions will contribute to our organization's success
  91. Deal in (ব্যবসা করা) - He deals in seafood
  92. Deal with (ব্যবহার করা) - She knows how to deal with difficult situation
  93. Decide on (নিৰ্ণয় করা) - They need to decide on the venue for the conference
  94. Decide upon ( স্থির করা) - 
  95. Decide against ( বিরুদ্ধ সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া) - 
  96. Depend upon (নিৰ্ভর করা) - Many electronic devices depend upon a power source
  97. Depend on  (নির্ভর করা) - Our success depends on hard work and dedication
  98. Depend from (রক্ষা করা) - 
  99. Depend against  (নিরাপত্তা বিধান করা) - 
  100. Deprive of (বঞ্চিত) -
  101. Delete from ( বাদ দেওয়া ) -
  102. Delight in (আনন্দিত হত্তয়া) Children delight in playing with toys
  103. Detach from (বিচ্ছিন্ন) - 
  104. Dream of  (স্বপ্ন দেখা) - She dreams of becoming a famous singer. 
  105. Discuss with (আলোচনা করা) - He wants to discuss the project with his team
  106. Disapprove of ( অসম্মতি প্রকাশ করা ) - Her parents disapprove of her decision to quit her job. 
  107. Devote to (উৎসর্গ  করা) He devoted his life to serving the community. 
  108. Differ from (পার্থক্য থাকা) - The two sisters differ from each other in terms of personality. 
  109. Die of (কোন রোগে মারা যাওয়া) - 
  110. Die from (কোন কারনে মারা যাওয়া) - 
  111. Die by (ইচ্চাকৃতভাবে মরা যাওয়া) - 
  112. Die for (আত্নত্যাগ করা) - 
  113. Doubt about - সন্দেহ করা I have doubts about his intentions. 
  114. Draw from - উত্তেজিত হত্তয়া The artist drew inspiration from nature. 
  115. Disagree to (লজ্জা) -
  116. Disagree with (অসম্মতি প্রকাশ করা) - I strongly disagree with your opinion
  117. Discourage from - নিষ্কর্ষ করা She discouraged him from pursuing a risky adventure. 
  118. Dispose of - নিস্পত্তি করা He disposed of the old furniture 
  119. Disagree with -    
  120. Drive away - দূরে পাঠান The scarecrow is meant to drive away birds from the field. 
  121. Donate to - দান করা She donated a large sum of money to charity. 
  122. Dine on ( ভোজন করা ) - We dined on delicious seafood at the restaurant.
  123. Disappear from (অদৃশ্য হত্তয়া) - The sun disappeared from view behind the clouds.
  124. Dance to (নৃত্য করা ) - The children danced to the music. 
  125. Dress in (পরিধান করা ) - She likes to dress in bright colors. 
  126. Demand for (চাহিদা করা) - There is a high demand for the new product. 
  127. Disappoint in - 
  128. Dislike to/for (অপছন্দ) -  I have a dislike to evil company
  129. Do without (ছাড়াই করা) - We have to do without electricity during the power outage. (শক্তি বিদ্যুৎ বিচ্ছিন্নতার দিনে আমাদের বিদ্যুৎ ছাড়াই করতে হবে।)
  130. Dote on (অনেক স্নেহ করা) - She dotes on her grandchildren. (তিনি তাঁর নাতী-নাতনিদের অনেক স্নেহ  করেন।)
  131. Dwell in (বাস করা) - A little bird dwell in the house
  132. Dwell on (ভাবনায় আবদ্ধ থাকা) - She tends to dwell on past mistakes.
  133. Due to (ডিও টু-কারণে) - The Prize was due to me
  134. Dull at (কাঁচা)
  135. Dull of (বোধশক্তিহীন)

Appropriate Preposition

SSC English Second Paper "Appropriate Prepositions"

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