Appropriate Prepositions
- Abide by (মেনে চলা) - Students should abide by their teachers
- Abide with (সংগে থাকা) – He abides with his uncle
- Abide in (বাস করা) – He abides in Dhaka
- Abstain from (বিরত থাকা) - We should abstain from smoking
- Accuse of (অভিযোগ করা) - The police accused him of the crime
- Account for (কোন কিছুর জন্য কৈফিয়ত দেওয়া) - He needs to account for all the expenses
- Account to (কারও কাছে কৈফিয়ত দেওয়া) – We shall have to account to Allah for our deeds
- Abound with (পূর্ণ থাকা) – The Pond abound with fish
- Abound in (প্রচুর পরিমানে থাকা)- Fish abounds in the Padma
- Accede to (রাজী হওয়া)-I acceded to his request
- Adhere to (লেগে থাকা, পালন করা) - It's essential to adhere to safety guidelines
- Admit to (ভর্তি হওয়া)- I was admitted to Chittagong College
- Adapt to (খাপ খাওযানো) - It takes time to adapt to a new environment
- Aim at (লক্ষ্য করা) - He aimed at the target and fired
- Appear before (হাজির হওয়া)
- Appear to (বোধ হওয়া, মনে হওয়া)
- Appear in (প্রকাশিত হওয়া)
- Agree to (কোন প্রস্তাবে রাজী হওয়া)
- Agree on (কোন বিষয়ে রাজী হওয়া) - They finally agreed on the terms of the contract.
- Agreed upon (একমত হওয়া) - The terms were agreed upon by both parties.
- Apply to (আবেদন করা) - You can apply to several universities
- Apply to (প্রয়োগ করা) - You can apply to several universities
- Apply for (আবেদন করা) - He decided to apply for the job.
- Apologize for (দোষ মেনে ক্ষমা চাওয়া) - She apologized for her mistake
- Arrive at (পৌঁছা) - The train will arrive at the station soon
- Ask for (জিজ্ঞাসা করা) - Don't hesitate to ask for help
- Associate with (সম্পর্ক রেখা) - She likes to associate with like-minded people
- Attend to (মনোনিবেশ করা) - Please attend to your responsibilities
- Back up (সংরক্ষণ করা) - Please back up your files before formatting the computer
- Bargain for ( দর কষাকষি করা) - He bargained for a lower price
- Bark at (ঘেউ ঘেউ করা)-Dogs always bark at a stranger(আগন্তুক)
- Bar of (বাধাঁ)- Poverty is bar of our success
- Based on (উপর ভিত্তি করে) The report is based on extensive research
- Bask in (পোহানো)
- Be good at (ভালো করা) - She is good at playing the piano
- Beware of (সাবধান)
- Beg of ( অনুরোধ করা ) Don't leave me here, I beg of you!
- Beg for ( দান করার জন্য অনুরোধ করা ) - The homeless man was begging for food on the streets
- Beneficial to (উপকারী) Exercise is beneficial to overall health. (সাধারণ স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য ব্যায়াম উপকারী।)
- Believe in (বিশ্বাস করা) - She believes in the power of dreams
- Benefit from (সুবিধা পাওয়া) - The students will benefit from the new educational program
- Bereft of ( বঞ্চিত, ব্যক্তি বা কিছু থেকে অবহেলিত)
- Bent upon ( সংকল্প বদ্ধ হওয়া ) - She was bent upon achieving her goals
- Beset with ( বেষ্টিত ) The country was beset with economic challenges
- Bestow on (প্রদান করা) - The king bestowed honors on the brave soldiers
- Bet on - I wouldn't bet on him winning the race. (বাজি দেওয়া)
- Blame for (দোষ দেওয়া) - They blamed him for the accident
- Blind of (অন্ধ) I'm blind of the beauty around me. (আমি আমার চারপাশের সৌন্দর্য দেখতে পারি না।)
- Blind to ( উদাসীন, কিছু বিষয়ে উপলব্ধি করতে অক্ষম ) He seems blind to the flaws in his own work. (তিনি নিজের কাজের দোষে অন্ধ মনে হয়।)
- Blush at (লাল হওয়া) - She blushed at the compliment
- Boast of (বড়ায় করা, গৌরবের কথা বলে বেড়ানো) - He liked to boast of his achievements
- Born of ()
- Borrow from (ধার নেওয়া) - Can I borrow a pen from you?
- Bring up ( লালন পালন করা) - He was brought up in a small town
- Bring in (আনা) - The company plans to bring in new talent
- Bring along (নিয়ে আসা) - Don't forget to bring your passport along.
- Break out (বের হত্তয়া) - A fire broke out in the building.
- Brood for ()
- Brood on or over ()
- Burdened with ()
- Busy at ( ব্যস্ত ) She is busy at work
- Burst into (কান্নায় ভেঙ্গে পড়া)
- Burst out (হাসিতে ফেটে পড়া)
- Blame for (দোষারোপ করা) - They blamed him for the accident
- Belong to (কারো অধিকারে থাকা) - This house belongs to the Smith family
- Build on - (উন্নতি করা) The company plans to build on its success.
- Buy from - (কেনা) I always buy fresh vegetables from the local market.
- Care for (যত্ন নেওয়া) - She cares for her elderly parents
- Collaborate with (সহযোগিতা করা) - They decided to collaborate with renowned experts
- Communicate with (যোগাযোগ করা) - Effective leaders always communicate with transparency
- Complain to (শিকায়ত করা) - If you have any concerns, please complain to the management
- Compare to (তুলনা করা) - The poet compared her eyes to the stars
- Conform to (সামঞ্জস্য করা) - The product must conform to industry standards
- Contribute to (সংযোগ করা) - Your contributions will contribute to our cause
- Complain about (অভিযোগ করা) - Customers often complain about the slow service
- Compete with (প্রতিস্থাপন করা) - He's always eager to compete with his peers
- Comply with (মেনে চলা) - It's important to comply with the company's policies
- Concentrate on (মনোনিবেশ করা) - Please concentrate on your studies
- Conform to (মেনে চলা) - The product must conform to safety standards
- Connect with (সংযোগ করা) - We can connect with friends through social media
- Consist of (গঠিত হওয়া) - The team consists of talented individuals
- Contribute to (অবদান করা) - He wants to contribute to the community
- Cooperate with (সহযোগিতা করা) - It's essential to cooperate with your team members
- Count on (নির্ভর করা) - You can always count on your best friend
- Cover with (ঢাকা) - She covered her head with a lovely hijab.
- Collaborate with (সহযোগিতা করা) - They decided to collaborate with experts from different fields
- Communicate with (যোগাযোগ করা) - Good leaders always communicate with their teams effectively
- Complain to (শিকায়ত করা) - If you have a problem, please complain to the customer service department
- Conform to (সামঞ্জস্য করা) - The design must conform to international standards
- Contribute to (সংযোগ করা) - Your contributions will contribute to our organization's success
- Deal in (ব্যবসা করা) - He deals in seafood
- Deal with (ব্যবহার করা) - She knows how to deal with difficult situation
- Decide on (নিৰ্ণয় করা) - They need to decide on the venue for the conference
- Decide upon ( স্থির করা) -
- Decide against ( বিরুদ্ধ সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া) -
- Depend upon (নিৰ্ভর করা) - Many electronic devices depend upon a power source
- Depend on (নির্ভর করা) - Our success depends on hard work and dedication
- Depend from (রক্ষা করা) -
- Depend against (নিরাপত্তা বিধান করা) -
- Deprive of (বঞ্চিত) -
- Delete from ( বাদ দেওয়া ) -
- Delight in (আনন্দিত হত্তয়া) Children delight in playing with toys
- Detach from (বিচ্ছিন্ন) -
- Dream of (স্বপ্ন দেখা) - She dreams of becoming a famous singer.
- Discuss with (আলোচনা করা) - He wants to discuss the project with his team
- Disapprove of ( অসম্মতি প্রকাশ করা ) - Her parents disapprove of her decision to quit her job.
- Devote to (উৎসর্গ করা) He devoted his life to serving the community.
- Differ from (পার্থক্য থাকা) - The two sisters differ from each other in terms of personality.
- Die of (কোন রোগে মারা যাওয়া) -
- Die from (কোন কারনে মারা যাওয়া) -
- Die by (ইচ্চাকৃতভাবে মরা যাওয়া) -
- Die for (আত্নত্যাগ করা) -
- Doubt about - সন্দেহ করা I have doubts about his intentions.
- Draw from - উত্তেজিত হত্তয়া The artist drew inspiration from nature.
- Disagree to (লজ্জা) -
- Disagree with (অসম্মতি প্রকাশ করা) - I strongly disagree with your opinion
- Discourage from - নিষ্কর্ষ করা She discouraged him from pursuing a risky adventure.
- Dispose of - নিস্পত্তি করা He disposed of the old furniture
- Disagree with -
- Drive away - দূরে পাঠান The scarecrow is meant to drive away birds from the field.
- Donate to - দান করা She donated a large sum of money to charity.
- Dine on ( ভোজন করা ) - We dined on delicious seafood at the restaurant.
- Disappear from (অদৃশ্য হত্তয়া) - The sun disappeared from view behind the clouds.
- Dance to (নৃত্য করা ) - The children danced to the music.
- Dress in (পরিধান করা ) - She likes to dress in bright colors.
- Demand for (চাহিদা করা) - There is a high demand for the new product.
- Disappoint in -
- Dislike to/for (অপছন্দ) - I have a dislike to evil company
- Do without (ছাড়াই করা) - We have to do without electricity during the power outage. (শক্তি বিদ্যুৎ বিচ্ছিন্নতার দিনে আমাদের বিদ্যুৎ ছাড়াই করতে হবে।)
- Dote on (অনেক স্নেহ করা) - She dotes on her grandchildren. (তিনি তাঁর নাতী-নাতনিদের অনেক স্নেহ করেন।)
- Dwell in (বাস করা) - A little bird dwell in the house
- Dwell on (ভাবনায় আবদ্ধ থাকা) - She tends to dwell on past mistakes.
- Due to (ডিও টু-কারণে) - The Prize was due to me
- Dull at (কাঁচা)
- Dull of (বোধশক্তিহীন)