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HannanEdu News: 

বাদাম বাদাম গানের লিরিক্স


বাংলাদেশে বইছে বাদামের হাওয়া। হঠাৎ ইউটিউবে ব্যাপকভাবে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে এই গান। তা্ই হান্নানএডুর পাঠকদের জন্য লিরিক্সটি লেখা হল। Badam Badam Song Lyrics (বাদাম বাদাম গান লিরিক্স) Badam Song Lyrics (বাদাম বাদাম গান লিরিক্স) is from a person named Shamprodas Das. He sings this song first from Bangladesh. He introduces himself as Peddler. Badam Song is a Bangla Tiltok Viral Song. Kacha Badam Lyrics was released in 2021.

This was one of the best viral lyrics in 2021 and also in 2022

Badam Badam Song credentials: 
Singer: Shamprodas Das 
Album: Kacha Badam 
Lyrics: Shamprodas Das 
Music: Shamprodas Das 
Released: 2021 

বাদাম বাদাম গান লিরিক্স 

Badam Badam Song Lyrics: 

কাঁচা বাদাম, 
এই, বাদাম আছে ভালো 
মাথার ছিরা চুল সিটি গোল্ডের চুরি মালা 
মোবাইলের বডি ভাঙা দিয়ে বাদাম। 

মোবাইলের বডি গুলো পাঁচ টাকা দাম 
পায়ে তোড়া হাতের বালা থাকে যদি সিটি গোল্ডের চেইন দিয়ে যাবেন 
তাতে সমান সমান তোমরা বাদাম পাবেন। 

বাদাম বাদাম দাদা কাঁচা বাদাম 
আমার কাছে নাইতো বুবু ভাজা বাদাম 
আমার কাছে পাবে শুধু কাঁচা বাদাম। 
পায়ে তোড়া হাতের বালা থাকে যদি সিটি গোল্ডের চেইন দিয়ে যাবেন 
তাতে সমান সমান তোমরা বাদাম পাবেন। 
বাদাম বাদাম এ দাদা কাচা বাদাম 
আমার কাছে নাইকো বুবু ভাজা বাদাম 
বাদাম বাদাম এ 
দাদা কাচা বাদাম 
আমার কাছে নাইকো বুবু ভাজা বাদাম। 
বাদাম বাদাম এ দাদা কাচা বাদাম আমার কাছে নাইকো বুবু ভাজা বাদাম আমার কাছে নাইকো বুবু। 

বাদাম বাদাম গান লিরিক্স: 

Badam badam 
A dada kacha badam 
Amar kache naiko bubu vaja badam 
badam badam a dada kacha badam amar kache naiko bubu vaja badam. 
Badam badam a dada kacha badam amar kache naiko bubu vaja badam amar kache naiko bubu badam ashe valo mathar chira chul. city goldler churi mala mobailer body vanga diye badam mobailer body gula 5 taka dam paayer tura haater bala thake jodi city. City golder chain diya jaaben taate shoman shoman tomra badam paaben badam dada kacha badam amar kache naiko bubu vaja badam amar kache paaben shudhu kacha badam. badam badam a dada kacha badam amar kache naiko bubu vaja badam badam badam a dada kacha badam amar kache naiko bubu vaja badabadam

বাদাম বাদাম গানের লিরিক্স

ফেসবুকের নাম পরিবর্তন নিয়ে অনেকের মনে প্রশ্ন, অতি পরিচিত ফেসবুক কী তবে মেটা হয়ে যাবে? ব্যাপারটা তা নয়। ফেসবুকের নাম ফেসবুকই থাকবে। ফেসবুকের করপোরেট নামে পরিবর্তন এসেছে। তবে যে সামাজিক যোগাযোগমাধ্যম আমরা ব্যবহার করি, সেটা ‘ফেসবুক’ নামেই থাকছে। গত বৃহস্পতিবার এক ভার্চ্যুয়াল সম্মেলনে নাম পরিবর্তনের এই ঘোষণা দেন মার্ক জাকারবার্গ।

ফেসবুক  পরিচালিত হয় ‘ফেসবুক ইনকরপোরেটেড’ নামে প্রতিষ্ঠান দ্বারা। এই প্রতিষ্ঠানের অন্য সেবাগুলোর মধ্য রয়েছে ইনস্টাগ্রাম, মেসেঞ্জার, হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ, অকুলাস, পোর্টাল, ওয়ার্কপ্লেস ইত্যাদি।

সামাজিক যোগাযোগমাধ্যম সেবা এবং মূল প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম এক হয়ে যাওয়ায় মানুষ মূল প্রতিষ্ঠানের কাজের পরিসর সম্পর্কে পূর্ণ ধারণা পাচ্ছিল না বলে মনে করেন জাকারবার্গ। আর সে কারণেই  সামাজিক যোগাযোগমাধ্যম সেবার নাম ‘ফেসবুক’ রেখে মূল প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম বদলে ‘মেটা’ করা হয়েছে ।

মেটা মানে কি?

মেটা মানে কি?

মেটা হল একটি উপসর্গ - একটি শব্দ অন্যটির আগে রাখা - যার অর্থ পরে বা তার পরে, একটি উচ্চ স্তরে কাজ করা বা পরিবর্তন করা।

উদাহরণস্বরূপ, মেটাকার্পাস (কব্জির পরে আঙুলের হাড়), কিন্তু পপ সংস্কৃতিতে এর আরেকটি অর্থ রয়েছে: যখন কিছু স্ব-সচেতন হয় তখন বর্ণনা করা।

জুকারবার্গ বলেছিলেন যে "মেটা" নামটি ক্লাসিকের প্রতি তার ভালবাসা থেকে অনুপ্রাণিত হয়েছিল এবং এটি গ্রীক শব্দ "beyond" থেকে এসেছে। "আমার জন্য, এটি প্রতীকী করে যে নির্মাণ করার জন্য সবসময় আরও বেশি কিছু থাকে এবং গল্পের পরবর্তী অধ্যায় সবসময় থাকে।"

কোন গোপন কারণে ফেসবুক তার নাম পরিবর্তন করছে এবং মেটা মানে কি?

paragraph a book fair

Paragraph JSC SSC 2021

 A Book Fair 

a) What is a book fair?
b) What is its origin?
c) Which are the leading organizations of a book fair?
d) What types of books are available in a book fair?
e) When does the fair become crowded?
f) What does a book fair remind a man?
i) How does a book fair do well to people?

A book fair is a fair in which books of various writers and on various subjects are displayed for publicity as well as for sale. It has recently become very popular in our country. Nowadays book fairs are arranged almost in every city and town on some special occasions. In fact, this tradition originated from the book fairs held at Bangla Academy in commemoration of the language Movement. All sorts of books, such as books of poetry, books of stories, fictions, novels, biographies, autobiographies, dramas, books for children, books on medicine, engineering, politics, history, philosophy, religion, general knowledge etc. are brought to the fair for display and sale. People both young and old, specially the lovers of books, come to the fair to make their choice and buy books. A book fair becomes over crowded in the afternoon of a holiday. A book fair reminds us the history of our Language Movement. It also reminds us that books are our best friends. It helps people by promoting the publication of books to spread education and knowledge among them.


Paragraph A Book Fair

Class 8 jsc math chapter 3
Class 8 Math chapter 3

Class 8 math chapter 3 পরিমাপ

ঘর সম্পর্কিত সমস্যা

1) GKwU  N‡ii ˆ`N©¨ cÖ‡¯’i 4 MyY| cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 12.50 UvKv `‡i NiwUi †g‡S Kv‡c©U w`‡q XvK‡Z †gvU 3200 UvKv e¨q nq|
        K) NiwUi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
        L) NiwUi ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ wbY©q Ki|
        M) NiwUi D”PZv 3 wgUvi Ges Gi †`IqvjMy‡jv 20 †m.wg. cyiæ n‡j Pvi †`Iqv‡ji AvqZb wbY©q Ki|
২) GKwU  N‡ii ˆ`N©¨ cÖ‡¯’i 2 MyY| cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 25 UvKv `‡i NiwUi †g‡S Kv‡c©U w`‡q XvK‡Z †gvU 6250 UvKv LiP n‡jv| NiwUi D”PZv 5 wgUvi|
        K) NiwUi †g‡Si †ÿÎdj ÕKÕ Pj‡Ki gva¨‡g cÖKvk Ki|
        L) NiwUi ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ wbY©q Ki|
        M) evqy cvwbi Zzjbvq 0.00129 ¸Y fvix n‡j NiwU‡Z KZ wK‡jvMÖvg evqy Av‡Q?

৩) GKwU  N‡ii ˆ`N©¨ cÖ‡¯’i 1 MyY| NiwUi D”PZv 4 wgUvi| †g‡Si †ÿÎdj 150 eM©wgUvi| †g‡SwU 50 †m.wg. eM©vKvi cv_i Øviv evuavB Ki‡Z †gvU LiP nq 7500 UvKv|

K) NiwUi cÖ¯_ KZ wgUvi?
L) cÖwZwU eM©vKvi cv_‡ii g~j¨ KZ?
M) NiwUi mgAvqZb ‡PŠev”Pvi aviYK…Z cvwbi IRb KZ †KwR?

৪) evqy cvwbi Zzjbvq 0.00129 ¸Y fvix| GKwU  N‡ii †g‡Si ˆ`N©¨ 20 wgUvi, cÖ¯’ 10wgUvi Ges D”PZv 5 wgUvi|

K) NiwUi †g‡Si †ÿÎdj  Pj‡Ki gva¨‡g cÖKvk Ki|
L) NiwU‡Z KZ wK‡jvMÖvg evqy Av‡Q?
M) NiwUi ‡`Iqv‡ji cyiæZ¡ 12 †m.wg. n‡j Pvi †`Iqv‡ji AvqZb wbY©q Ki।

৫) GKwU  N‡ii ˆ`N©¨ Zvi cÖ‡¯’I †`o¸Y Ges †ÿÎdj 216 eM©wgUvi| cÖwZwU 2 †m.wg. eM©vKvi cv_i w`‡q NiwUi †g‡S †gvov‡Z n‡e Ges cÖwZwU cv_‡ii g~j¨ 12.60 UvKv|

K) hw` cÖ¯’ ÓKÓ wgUvi nq Zvn‡j †ÿÎdj wbY©‡qi mgxKiYwU MVb Ki|
L) D³ N‡ii cwixmgvi mgvb cwimxgvwewkó GKwU eM©vKvi †ÿ‡Îi †ÿÎdj KZ?
M) NiwUi ‡g‡S †gvov‡Z KZ UvKv jvM‡e?

৬) GKwU  ‡QvU †jvnvi ev‡·i wfZ‡ii ˆ`N©¨ 15 †m.wg. 2.4 wg.wg., cÖ¯’ 7 †m.wg. 6.2 wg.wg. Ges D”PZv 15 †m.wg. 8 wg.wg.|

K) †jvnvi ev‡·i wfZ‡ii ˆ`N©¨ wgwjwgUv‡i wbY©q Ki|
L) ev‡·wUi wfZ‡ii wfZ‡ii mgMÖZ‡ji  †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
M) GKwU  †mvbvi ev‡ii ˆ`N©¨ 13.47 †m.wg., cÖ¯’ 1.5 †m.wg. Ges D”PZv 1 †m.wg. n‡j H ev‡· m‡e©v”P KZwU †mvbvi evi ivLv hv‡e?

৭) ¯^Y© cvwbi Zzjbvq 19.3 ¸Y fvix| AvqZKvi  GKwU ¯^‡Y©i ev‡ii ˆ`N©¨ 4.4 †mw›UwgUvi, cÖ¯’ 3.2 †mw›UwgUvi Ges D”PZv 1.4 †mw›UwgUvi | ¯^‡Y©i mv‡_ ¯^‡Y©i GK PZz_©vsk cwigvY Zvgv wgwk‡q GKwU MnYv ˆZwi Kiv n‡jv| ¯^‡Y©i evRvi g~j¨ cÖwZMÖvg 3000 UvKv, Zvgv cÖwZMÖvg 30 UvKv Ges MnYv ˆZwi‡Z gRywi 3000 UvKv|

K) ¯^‡Y©i eviwUi AvqZb wbY©q Ki|
L) ¯^‡Y©i ev‡ii IRb KZ MÖvg, wbY©q Ki|
M) Mnbv ˆZwi‡Z †gvU Li‡Pi cwigvY wbY©q Ki|

৮) evqy cvwbi Zzjbvq 0.00129 ¸Y fvix | GKwU  N‡ii †g‡Si ˆ`N©¨ 8 wgUvi, cÖ¯’ 6 wgUvi Ges D”PZv 2 wgUvi|

K) i¤^‡mi †ÿÎdj wbY‡©qi m~ÎwU wjL|
L) N‡ii g‡a¨ †gvU KZ wK‡jvMÖvg evqy Av‡Q?
M) D³ N‡ii †`Iqvj¸‡jv 20 †m.wg. cyiæ n‡j, Pvi †`Iqv‡ji AvqZb KZ NbwgUvi

আয়তকার বাগান সম্পর্কিত সমস্যা

৯) GKwU  AvqZKvi evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨ cÖ‡¯’I wظY| cªwZ eM©wgUv‡ 6.75 UvKv `‡i Nvm jvMv‡Z 21600 UvKv e¨q nq| evMvbwU cwiPh©vi Rb¨ ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯_ eivei AvovAvwofv‡e 2 wgUvi PIov `yBwU iv¯Ív Av‡Q|
K) evMv‡bi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
L) evMv‡bi K‡Y©i ˆ`N©¨ wbY©q Ki|
M) iv¯Ív `yBwUi ‡gvU †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|

১০) GKwU  ‡PŠev”Pvi cv‡b aviY ÿgZv 12000 wjUvi| Gi ˆ`N©¨ 2.50 wgUvi Ges cÖ¯’ 2 wgUvi|
K) 2 MR‡K wgUv‡i cÖKvk Ki|
L) †PŠev”PvwUi MfxiZv wbY©q Ki|
M) cÖwZ eM©wgUvi 25 UvKv `‡i †PŠev”PvwUi wfZ‡ii mgMÖ Ask is Ki‡Z KZ LiP n‡e?

১১) GKwU  AvqZKvi evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨ 60 wgUvi, cÖ¯’ 40 wgUvi| Gi wfZ‡ii Pviw`‡K 2 wgUvi cÖk¯’ GKwU iv¯Ív Av‡Q|
K) evMv‡bi †ÿÎdj eM©‡mw›UwgUv‡i wbY©q Ki|
L) iv¯Ívi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
M) AvqZKvi evMvbwUi mgvb †ÿÎdjwewkó GKwU AvqZKvi †ÿ‡Îi ˆ`N©¨ cÖ‡¯’I Qq¸Y n‡j Zvi cwimxgv wbY©q Ki|

১২) wP‡Î KLMN  AvqZKvi evMvb Ges wfZ‡I Pviw`‡K 1wgUvi PIov GKwU iv¯Ív Av‡Q|

        K) wÎfzR‡ÿ‡Îi mvnv‡h¨ AvqZKvi evMv‡bi †ÿÎdj  wbY©q Ki|
        L) iv¯Ívi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
        M) D³ evMv‡b mgvb cwimxgvwewkó GKwU eM©vK…wZ †ÿ‡Îi evB‡I Pvw`‡K 3 wgUvi we¯Í…Z GKwU c‡_i cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡I 7.00 UvKv wnmv‡e Nvm jvMv‡Z †gvU KZ LiP n‡e wbY©q Ki|

১৩) 50 wgUvi ˆ`N©¨ I 40 wgUvi cÖ¯’wewkó GKwU gv‡Vi wVK gvS w`‡q AvovAvwofv‡e 3 wgUvi PIov `yBwU iK¯Ív Av‡Q | Gi wfZ‡ii Pviw`‡K 2 wgUvi cÖk¯’ GKwU iv¯Ív Av‡Q| 
K) mswÿß eY©bvmn AvbycvwZK wPÎ AvuK|
L) iv¯Ív `yBwUi †gvU †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
M) 25 ‡m.wg. ˆ`N©¨ I 10 ‡m.wg. cÖ¯’wewkó BU Øviv iv¯Ív evua‡Z KZ¸‡jv BU jvM‡e?

১৪) GKwU  AvqZKvi Rwgi ˆ`N©¨ 90 wgUvi Ges cÖ¯’ 70 wgUvi| GB Rwgi wfZ‡i 4 wgUvi cvowewkó GKwU cyKzi Lbb Kiv nj| cyKz‡ii MfxiZv 2.5 wgUvi|
K) Rwgi cwimxgv wbY©q Ki|
L) cyKz‡ii cv‡oi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
M) cÖwZ NbdzU gvwU Lbb Ki‡Z 25 UvKv LiP n‡j cyKziwU Lbb Ki‡Z KZ UvKv †j‡MwQj Zv wbY©q Ki|

১৫) GKwU  AvqZKvi Rwgi ˆ`N©¨ cª‡¯_i Pvi¸Y Ges †ÿÎdj 1600 eM©wgUvi| evMvbwU cÖwZwU 25 †m.wg. eM©vKvi cv_i w`‡q †gvov‡Z n‡e Ges cÖwZwU cv_‡ii g~j¨ 4.50 UvKv|  

K) cÖ¯’ x  wgUvi a‡i mgxKiY MVb Ki|
L) evMvbwU cv_i w`‡q †gvov‡Z KZ UvKv LiP n‡e?
M) hw` evMv‡bi evB‡i 2 wgUvi PIov GKwU iv¯Ív _v‡K Zvn‡j iv¯Ívi †ÿÎdj KZ?

১৬) GKwU  cyKz‡ii ˆ`N©¨  52 wgUvi Ges cÖ¯’ 36 wgUvi 50 †mw›UwgUvi| cyKzi cv‡oi we¯Ívi 3.5 wgUvi Ges MfwiZv 6 wgUvi|

K) cyKziwUi cwimxgv wbY©q Ki|
L) cyKz‡ii cv‡oi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
M) GKwU †gwkb cÖwZ †m‡K‡Û 0.2 NbwgUvi cvwb †mP Ki‡Z cv‡i| †gwkb Øviv cyKziwU cvwb k~Y¨ Ki‡Z KZ mgq jvM‡e?

১৭) GKwU  AvqZKvi evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨ cª‡¯_i ‡`o¸Y| evMv‡bi †ÿÎdj 3750 eM©wgUvi| evMvbwU cwiPh©vi Rb¨ wVK gvS w`‡q 3 wgUvi PIov ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ eivei iv¯Ív Av‡Q|    

K) DÏxc‡Ki Av‡jv‡K AvbycvwZK wPÎ AvKu|
L) evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ wbY©q Ki|
M) iv¯ÍvwU 2 eM©wgUvi cv_i Øviv evauB Ki‡Z †gvU KZwU cv_i jvM‡e?

১৮) GKwU  AvqZKvi evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨ 60 wgUvi Ges cÖ¯’ 40 wgUvi| evMv‡bi evB‡i Pviw`‡K 3 wgUvi PIov GKwU iv¯Ív Av‡Q| cÖwZwU 8 UvKv g~‡j¨I 25 †m.wg. ˆ`N©¨, 12.5 †m.wg. cÖ‡¯’I BU Øiv iv¯ÍvwU cvKv Kiv n‡jv|
K) evMvbwUi cwimxgv wbY©q Ki|
L) iv¯Ívi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
M) iv¯ÍvwU cvKv Ki‡Z KZ UvKvi BU jvM‡e?

১৯) GKwU  AvqZKvi evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨ cª‡¯_i 3 ¸Y| cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 7.50 UvKv `‡i H gv‡V Nvm jvMv‡Z †gvU 1822.50 UvKv LiP nq|

K) AvqZKvi gv‡Vi cÖ¯’ wgUvi a‡i †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
L) AvqZKvi gv‡Vi ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ wbY©q Ki|
M) AvqZKvi gv‡Vi mgvb cwimxgvwewkó GKwU eM©vKvi Kÿ‡K cÖwZwU 25 †m,wg. eM©vKvi cv_i Øviv evavuB Ki‡Z †gvU KZwU cv_i jvM‡e?

২০)  AvqZKvi GKwU ‡ÿ‡Îi †ÿÎdj 10 GKi Ges Zvi ˆ`N©¨ cª‡¯_i 3 ¸Y| cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 7.50 UvKv `‡i H gv‡V Nvm jvMv‡Z †gvU 1822.50 UvKv LiP nq|

K) AvqZKvi †ÿ‡Îi †ÿÎdj KZ eM©wgUvi?
L) AvqZKvi ‡ÿÎwUi ˆ`N©¨ wbY©q Ki|
M) AvqZKvi ‡ÿÎwUi cwimxgvi mgvb cwimxgvwewkó GKwU eM©vKvi †ÿ‡Îi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|

২১) wP‡Î ABCD GKwU AvqZKvi gvV, hvi ˆ`N©¨ cÖ‡¯_i wظY|  cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 3.80 UvKv `‡i gv‡V Nvm jvMv‡Z 12160.00 UvKv e¨q nq|

K) gv‡Vi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
L) AC K‡Y©I ˆ`N©¨ wbY©q Ki|
M) cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 7.25 UvKv `‡i H gv‡Vi Pviw`‡K †eov w`‡Z ‡gvU KZ UvKv e¨q nq|

২) wg. bvC‡gi GKwU  AvqZKvi evMvb &Av‡Q| hvi ˆ`N©¨ cÖ‡¯_i †`o¸Y Ges †ÿÎdj 2400 eM©wgUvi| evMvbwUi evwn‡i Pviw`‡K 3 wgUvi cÖk¯Í GKwU iv¯Ív Av‡Q| c‡_i cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 3.25 UvKv `‡i gv‡V Nvm jvMv‡bv nj|
K) DÏxc‡Ki Av‡jv‡K c_mn AvqZKvi evMv‡bi GKwU AvbycvwZK wPÎ A¼b Ki|
L) evMvbwUi ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ wbY©q Ki|
M) c_wU‡Z Nvm jvMv‡Z †gvU KZ LiP n‡e? wbY©q Ki|

2৩) AvqZKvi GKwU †ÿ‡Îi cÖ¯’ ˆ`‡N©¨i A‡a©K n‡e| cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 2 UvKv `‡i †ÿÎwU‡Z Nvm jvMv‡Z 12100 UvKv LiP nq| †ÿÎwUi ‡fZ‡i Pviw`‡K 4 wgUvi PIov GKwU iv¯Ív Av‡Q|
K) AvqZKvi †ÿ‡Îi †ÿÎdj ’ wbY©q Ki|
L) ˆ`N©¨ eivei cÖwZ wgUv‡i LiP nq 15 UvKv Ges cÖ¯’ eivei cÖwZ wgUv‡i LiP nq 10 UvKv| Z‡e H †ÿ‡Îi Pviw`‡K ‡eov w`‡Z KZ LiP n‡e?
M) cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 12.50 UvKv wnmv‡e iv¯ÍvwU‡Z Nvm jvMv‡Z KZ UvKv LiP n‡e?

2৪) ABCD GKwU AvqZKvi ‡ÿÎ, hvi wfZ‡i GKwU cyKz‡ii MfxiZv 3 wgUvi| cyKziwU cvwbc~Y©|
K) ABCD Gi cwimxgv wbY©q Ki|
L) cv‡oi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
M) cyKz‡i cvwbi cwigvY wjUv‡i wbY©q Ki|

2৫) GKwU  AvqZKvi evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨ cª‡¯_i wZb¸Y| Gi †ÿÎdj 147 eM©wgUvi| evMv‡b Pviw`‡K 2 wgUvi PIov GKwU iv¯Ív Av‡Q|
K) evMv‡bi †ÿÎdj eM©‡mw›UwgUv‡i wbY©q Ki|
L evMv‡bi cwimxgv wbY©q Ki|
M) cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 5 UvKv UvKv wnmv‡e cv_i w`‡q iv¯ÍvwU evauv‡Z †gvU KZ UvKv LiP n‡e?

2৬) GKwU  AvqZKvi evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨ 40 wgUvi Ges cÖ¯’ 30 wgUvi| evMv‡bi ‡fZ‡i Pviw`‡K 3 wgUvi PIov GKwU iv¯Ív Av‡Q| 25 †m.wg. ˆ`N©¨, Ges 12.5 †m,wg, cÖ‡¯’wewkó BU w`‡q iv¯ÍvwU cvKv Kiv n‡jv|
K) evMvbwUi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
L) iv¯Ívi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
M) iv¯ÍvwU cvKvKi‡Y cÖ‡qvRbxq B‡Ui msL¨v †ei Ki|

২৭) GKwU  AvqZKvi evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨, cª‡¯_i 3 ¸Y| Gi †ÿÎdj 432 eM©wgUvi| evMv‡bi Pviw`‡K 2 wgUvi cÖk¯Í GKwU c_ Av‡Q|
K) evMv‡bi cÖ¯’  wgUvi n‡j, †ÿÎdj KZ|
L) evMv‡bi  cwimxgv wbY©q Ki|
M) c‡_i †ÿÎdj wbY©q K‡i cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡I 10 UvKv wnmv‡e c_ evauv‡Z KZ LiP n‡e?

চৌবাচ্চা সম্পর্কিত সমস্যা

২৮) GKwU  AvqZKvi ‡PŠev”Pvi ˆ`N©¨ 5.5 wgUvi Ges cÖ¯’ 4 wgUvi| cÖ¯’ D”PZvi wظb| Gi Pvicv‡k 1.5×1.5 wgUvi2 eM©vKvi cv_i Øviv evauv‡bv|

K) ‡PŠev”PvwUi Zjvi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
L) D³ ‡PŠev”PvwU cvwb fwZ© _vK‡j cvwbi AvqZb KZwjUvi Ges IRb KZ wK‡jvMÖvg n‡e?
M) ‡PŠev”Pvi wfZ‡ii Pvicv‡ki Zjv evau‡Z KZwU cv_i jvM‡e?

2৯) GKwU  N‡ii ˆ`N©¨ cÖ‡¯’i 3 MyY| cÖwZ eM©wgUv‡i 10 UvKv `‡i NiwUi †g‡S Kv‡c©U w`‡q XvK‡Z †gvU 1470 UvKv e¨q nq| NiwUi D”PZv 4 wgUvi|

K) NiwUi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|
L) NiwUi ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ wbY©q Ki|M) evqy cvwbi Zzjbvq 0.00129 ¸Y fvix n‡j NiwU‡Z KZ wK‡jvMÖvg evqy Av‡Q?

30) K)  -1, 1,0,1,1,2,3 c¨vUvb©wUi cieZ©x msL¨vwU KZ?

L) cyKz‡ii cwimxgv wbY©q Ki|
M) cyKzi cv‡o cÖwZ 4 eM©wgUv‡i 150UvKv g~‡j¨i GKwU K‡i MvQ jvMv‡j KZ UvKv LiP n‡e?

31) AvqZKvi cvwbc~Y© GKwU U¨vs‡Ki ˆ`N©¨ 6 wgUvi, cÖ¯’ 5 wgUvi Ges MfxiZv 2wgUvi|
K) U¨vsKwUi Zjvi cwimxgv wbY©q Ki|
L) U¨vs‡K KZ wjUvi cvwb Av‡Q †ei Ki|
M) U¨vs‡Ki Pvi †`Iqv‡ji †gvU †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki|

Class 8 math chapter-3 পরিমাপ

email describing progress of studies

Write an E-mail to your father describing you progress of studies.


Subject: About my progress of studies.

Dear Father,
At first take my salam. I received your email yesterday. In your email you wanted to know about my progress of studies. You will be glad to know that I have taken quiet a good preparation for it. I have read thoroughly almost all the subjects. Special classes are also being taken by our teachers in the school. I can assure you that if Allah wishes I could save your face in the coming examination.
I am well. Pray for me to the Almighty.

Your loving son,
Mohammad Haroon

Write an E-mail to your father describing you progress of studies.

email thanks for hospitality

Write an E-mail to a friend for her/his hospitality.


Sent: 21/01/2019 10PM
Subject: Thanks for your hospitality.

Hi Ripon,
Yesterday I reached home safe and sound. Accept my cordial thanks for the warm hospitality given to me by you and your family. I will never forget how all the members of your family specially your parents received me from their deep of hearth. I enjoyed every moment of my staying in Dhaka. The places of historical interests that I visited there will ever be fresh in my mind’s eye. I shall be very happy if you pay a visit to our house during your next vacation.
No more today. Best regard to your parents and love to all.

Yours ever,

 ঝড়ের গতিতে ফেইসবুকে বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন


Write an E-mail to a friend for her/his hospitality.

Paragraph for classes 8, 9-10 and ssc exam 2021

A Street Hawker

A street hawker is a person who moves from street to street selling different things. He carries his goods on head, in hands, in a basket and sometimes in a small handcart. He generally buys his goods at a cheaper rate and sells them at a good profit. He sells trinkets, toys, bangles, ribbons, cosmetics, clothing, fruits, utensils and balloons of various colours and shapes.  A street hawker is very cunning. He knows his business very well. His customers are children and women. He raises a strange outcry to draw attention of his customers.  He does not come when the housemasters are at home. Rather he comes when the housemasters are out of home and when the women are free from their household works. Children and women gather around him. He tries to gain much profit by selling products to them. His economic condition is not well-off. We should not neglect him as he helps us providing many necessary things.

 ঝড়ের গতিতে ফেইসবুকে বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

A Street Hawker

Paragraph for classes 8, 9-10 and ssc exam 2024

A Day Labourer

A day labourer is a person who does heavy manual labour in various fields. He is to be healthy and strong. He lives with his family in a slum and lives a subhuman life. He is usually employed in agricultural and construction works. He gets up early in the morning and goes out in search of work. In the evening he gets his wages. Then he goes to market, buys his daily necessaries and returns to his house. He has both pleasures and pains. If he earns more, he gets pleasures. When he fails to do that, he gets pains. Sometimes he and his family go without food. The life of a day labourer is full of sorrows and sufferings. In good or bad weather he has to work hard. He does not know what rest is. Though the service of a day labourer is great important, he does not get his due respect. So we should have soft feeling for him so that he can lead a decent life with dignity.

 ঝড়ের গতিতে ফেইসবুকে বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

Paragraph A Day Labourer

Climate Change Paragraph for classes 8, 9,10 and ssc exam 2023

Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most threatening problems in the world. Climate is changing gradually all over the world. It is the worst of all the problems that affect all the living beings of our environment. Many plants and animals are vulnerable to climate change. Many unwanted things are happening due to climate change. As a result, reasons are shifting, temperatures are climbing and sea levels are rising. If things go on like these, our dear earth will be in danger. Drought, cyclones, floods–all natural calamities are caused as a result of climate change. But we human brings are mostly responsible for the world’s climate change. Our various kinds of activities cause climate change. So, we human beings should be careful about our activities so that our activities may not be the causes of climate change.

 ঝড়ের গতিতে ফেইসবুকে বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

Climate Change Paragraph 2023

Deforestation Paragraph for classes 8, 9 10 and SSC HSC 2023


Deforestation means cutting down trees in large scale. Today it has become a global problem. This problem is increasing day by day. There are many causes of deforestation. Population explosion is the main cause of deforestation. People use wood in different purpose. They make their house in forestland cutting down trees. As a result, trees are being cutting down rapidly. There are many bad effects of deforestation. It causes global warming. It hampers ecological balance. Birds and animals are losing their living place. The sea level is rising at an alarming rate. We should stop cutting trees and plant more trees to stop deforestation.

 ঝড়ের গতিতে ফেইসবুকে বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন


Deforestation Paragraph 2023

বন্ধুদের সাথে ঝড়ের গতিতে ফেইসবুকে শেয়ার করুন

Paragraph: The Life of A Farmer

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Most of the people of Bangladesh are farmers. The person who lives by cultivation on his own lands or farms is called a farmer. A farmer lives in the village and works on his agricultural fields. A farmer generally grows paddy, jute, wheat, pulses, onion, pepper, oil seeds, sugar-cane etc. A farmer has to work hard during the sowing and harvesting season. He works from dawn to dusk. After so much hardship when he finds his field full of crops he becomes very happy. But sometimes drought, over rain, flooding, cyclones and pests often destroy the crops and his sorrows know no bounds. Generally a farmer lives in poverty and dies poor. As he is illiterate, he has a big family and finds it difficult to make both ends meet. The government better agricultural knowledge.


Paragraph: The Life of A Farmer

for (Class 6 and Class 7)

A farmer is a person who works on his lands or farms. A farmer lives in the village. He works on his agricultural fields. A farmer generally grows paddy, jute, wheat, pulses, onion, pepper, oil seeds, sugar-cane etc. He works from dawn to dusk. His crops make him happy. We should respect a farmer.


The Life of A Farmer

Paragraph: Load-shedding

a) What does the term load-shedding mean?
b) Why does load-shedding occur?
c) What problems does load-shedding cause?
d) Who suffer most?
e) What measures should be taken to stop load-shedding?

Load-shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load-shedding occurs when generation of power is less than the demand. Besides, unplanned distribution and illegal connection of electricity are also responsible for it. Houses, mills, factories, industries, shops, hospitals all fall a victim to it. The running productive machines come to a stand still in mills and factories. Domestic life becomes painful. The housewives grope in the darkness in the kitchen. The sufferings of the students due to load-shedding are beggar description. The patients also suffer terribly for load-shedding. Operations are stopped. The food kept in the refrigerators get rotten.  The commodities preserved in cold storages get spoiled. In fact, load-shedding causes great suffering to the people and to the country. To get rid of this problem we need to take effective steps to produce adequate power, planned distribution, to set up more electric plants, to disconnect the illegal connections, to prevent misuse and to keep open the shopping places and business centers during a schedule time. We want that our government should think over the matter and take necessary steps as early as possible.

Load shedding paragraph for class 8 9 10 ssc jsc hsc

A School magazine paragraph class 9-10 SSC

Paragraph: A School Magazine

A School magazine is an annual journal which is published by a school. Particularly it is published with the co-operation of students and teachers. Through a school magazine students can express their thoughts and ideas. Our school publishes a school magazine every year. Our school magazine is entitled as “The School Barshiki”.  We have a magazine committee. Our headmaster is the president of the committee. An assistant teacher edits the magazine and some students help him. We have a rich magazine fund. The students write for the magazine. The class teachers collect their writings. The committee sorts out them and selects the best ones. Then they are sent to press for printing. The magazine contains poems, stories, riddles, verses, jokes, annual reports etc. It also contains vivid pictures of a year of our school. The teachers also write articles for the magazine. A school magazine helps the young learners and writers to develop their latent faculties. It helps them in developing their power of thinking and writing. However, we are proud of our school magazine.
উপরের প্যারাগ্রাপটি নবম-দশম বা এসএসি পলীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য লেখা হয়েছে। তাই তোমরা ৈঐটি শিখবে।

A School magazine paragraph Class 5, class 6, class 7, Class 8

A school magazine is an annual journal published by a school. Students and teachers work together on it. The magazine is called "The School Barshiki." The headmaster leads a committee, and an assistant teacher edits the magazine with help from students.  Students write articles, teachers contribute too. The best ones get chosen and sent for printing. The magazine contains poems, stories, jokes, and pictures of a school. It helps students to improve their thinking and writing skills. Every school should publish their school magazine.

A School magazine paragraph for class 8
A School magazine paragraph for class 9
A School magazinem paragraph class 4
A School magazine paragraph class 3

A School Magazine

Tree Plantation Paragraph for Class 8 9 10 11 12 SSC HSC

আসসালামুয়ালাইকুম কেমন আছেন সবাইআশা করি সবাই ভালো আছেন আজ আমি বৃক্ষরোপণ নিয়ে একটি নতুন অনুচ্ছেদ লিখতে যাচ্ছি

Paragraph:Tree Plantation

a)  What does tree plantation mean?
b)  How is tree plantation important for men?
c)   What is the best time for tree plantation?
d)  Where can we plant trees?
e)  Why should we make the tree plantation program successful?

Tree plantation means to plant trees systematically. Trees are gift of nature. Trees are our best friends. Trees are useful to us in many ways. They are a great source of food and vitamins. We get flowers, fruits, fuel and timber from trees. Trees give us oxygen and take carbon-dioxide and maintain the ecological balance. They also save us from natural calamities. They increase the beauty of nature. So trees are a valuable asset to a country. We should plant more and more trees. The best time for tree plantation is June and July. During this time the weather is in favour of new planted trees. The sides of highways, coastal area, sides of houses and unused lands can be used to plant trees. It is unfortunate that people have always been cutting down trees for fuel, furniture and other purposes. This is, no doubt, creating a dangerous situation for the country. We should plant more trees than we cut down. We should expand tree plantation slogan here and there for protecting trees. We must undertake a vast project for planting trees all over the country, which will be a noble service to the nation.

বাংলা অনুবাদ: বৃক্ষরোপণ মানে নিয়মতান্ত্রিকভাবে গাছ লাগানো। গাছ প্রকৃতির দান। গাছ আমাদের সেরা বন্ধু। গাছ আমাদের জন্য নানাভাবে উপকারী। এগুলি খাদ্য এবং ভিটামিনের একটি দুর্দান্ত উত্স। আমরা গাছ থেকে ফুল, ফল, জ্বালানি ও কাঠ পাই। গাছ আমাদের অক্সিজেন দেয় এবং কার্বন-ডাই-অক্সাইড গ্রহণ করে এবং পরিবেশগত ভারসাম্য বজায় রাখে। তারা আমাদের প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ থেকে বাঁচায়। এগুলো প্রকৃতির সৌন্দর্য বাড়ায়। তাই গাছ একটি দেশের মূল্যবান সম্পদ। আমাদের আরো বেশি করে গাছ লাগাতে হবে। বৃক্ষ রোপণের উপযুক্ত সময় জুন এবং জুলাই। এ সময় আবহাওয়া নতুন লাগানো গাছের অনুকূলে থাকে। মহাসড়কের পাশে, উপকূলীয় এলাকা, বাড়ির পাশে এবং অব্যবহৃত জমি গাছ লাগানোর জন্য ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে। এটা দুর্ভাগ্যজনক যে মানুষ সবসময় জ্বালানি, আসবাবপত্র এবং অন্যান্য উদ্দেশ্যে গাছ কাটছে। এটা নিঃসন্দেহে দেশের জন্য বিপজ্জনক পরিস্থিতি তৈরি করছে। আমরা যতটা গাছ কাটব তার চেয়ে বেশি গাছ লাগাতে হবে। বৃক্ষ রক্ষার জন্য বৃক্ষরোপণ স্লোগানকে এখানে-সেখানে প্রসারিত করতে হবে। সারাদেশে বৃক্ষরোপণের জন্য আমাদের একটি বিশাল প্রকল্প গ্রহণ করতে হবে, যা হবে জাতির জন্য একটি মহৎ সেবা।

Tree Plantation


My Favourite Bangladeshi Foods

I am a Bangladeshi. So I am fond of Bangladeshi foods. I usually eat rice, fish, meat and vegetables. I like to eat bread and butter but not all time. Seasonal home made foods like Vapa pitha, Chitoi pitha and puli, patisapta are very favourite to me. Fish is a common thing in our country. Of all fishes hilsha is tasty. I like to eat rice with hilsha fish curry. On festival Polao, Biriani, Corma, Pias, Khir etc are made.  They are too much delicious. Actually the food items we take in our country is rarely found elsewhere in the world. I feel proud having the delicious Bangladeshi foods.

My Favourite Bangladeshi Foods