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Class Eight Syllabus 2023 


Half Yearly Examination

৮ম শ্রেণী ইংরেজি প্রথম পত্র 2023 অর্ধবার্ষিক পরীক্ষার সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী অনুচ্ছেদ, ইমেল এবং সংলাপ উত্তরসহ দেওয়া হয়েছে

C. Dialogue:

i. A dialogue between two friends on the bad effects of smoking

ii. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of physical exercise

iii. A dialogue between two friends about how to do well in the examination

iv. A dialogue between two friends about the benefits of early rising

v. A dialogue between you and your younger brother about the necessity of tree plantation.

D. Paragraph:

i. Our national flag

ii. Your school magazine

Iii. Load Shedding

iv. Mobile phone

v. A Book Fair

E. Formal/Informal: Email:

i. An email to your friend wishing him/her happy birthday.

ii. An email to your friend inviting him to join a picnic.

Iii. An email to your friend inviting him/her to attend your sister’s marriage ceremony.

iv. An email to your friend requesting him/her to lend a book.

C. Dialogue:

i. A dialogue between two friends on the bad effects of smoking

Answer: A dialogue between two friends on the bad effects of smoking:

Alam: Hey Akash, do you know about the bad effects of smoking?

Akash: Yeah, smoking is bad for our health, right?

Alam: It can cause lung cancer and heart problems.

Akash: Not only that, smoke can harm people around us.

Alam: It's also expensive.

Akash: We should encourage people to quit smoking and tell them about the bad effects of it.

ii. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of physical exercise

Answer: A dialogue between two friends about the importance of physical exercise:

Afifa: Hey, do you know the importance of physical exercise?

Ziha: No, I don't. Is it really necessary?

Afifa: Absolutely! Exercise keeps our bodies strong and fit.

Ziha: Really?

Afifa: Not only that, exercise improves our mood, gives us more energy, and helps reduce stress.

Ziha: Wow, that sounds amazing.

Afifa: Plus, regular exercise can lower the risk of diseases like heart problems and diabetes.

Ziha: Thanks for letting me know!


iii. A dialogue between two friends about how to do well in the examination

Answer: A dialogue between two friends about how to do well in the examination:

Hannan: Good morning, Bilal

Bilal: Good morning, Hannan

Hannan: Why are you looking so sad?

Bilal: My result is quite poor. I scored less than 40% marks in all       subjects. Can you give me some advice on how to do well in the                  exam?

Hannan: Sure, you should make a routine and study regularly. You should       make your own notes and revise them frequently.

Bilal: That are good points. Thanks for the advice!

Hannan: Welcome.


iv. A dialogue between two friends about the benefits of early rising

Answer: A dialogue between two friends about the benefits of early rising:

Rahim: Hi Karim. How are you?

Karim: I am fine. And you?

Rahim: I am also fine.

Karim: Can you tell me about the benefits of early rising?

Rahim: Yes, of course. There are many benefits of early rising. Early rising is a very good habit. It makes our body fit and strong. And It is good for the mind.

Karim: Really

Rahim: If a man gets up early in the morning, he can breathe fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is very important for the students. They get enough time to study.

Karim: Thank you very much.

Rahim: You're welcome.

v. A dialogue between you and your younger brother about the necessity of tree plantation.

Answer: A dialogue between me and my younger brother about the necessity of tree plantation:

Myself: Hello Ripon! How are you?

Ripon : Fine, I see you are going somewhere.

Myself: I am going to buy some tree plants for plantation.

Ripon : Is there any necessity of tree plantation?

Myself: You know that tree gives us oxygen, fruits, wood, shadow. Tree helps to cause rain fall.

Ripon : Interesting!

Myself: But people are cutting trees. So we should plant trees.

Ripon: Thanks.

D. Paragraphs:

i. Our national flag

Every nation has a flag of its own. Bangladesh also has a national flag. It is the symbol of our national sovereignty. Our national flag is a piece of rectangular green cloth with a red round patch in the middle. The proportion of its length and breadth is 10:6. The green colour stands for everlasting youth and vigor of the nation. The red colour is the symbol of the rising sun of independence. It also symbolizes the blood of our freedom fighters. The flag is hoisted everyday on the top of our important government buildings and educational institutions. It is hoisted everywhere on the Independence Day and the Victory Day. It is kept half-mast on the national mourning days. We honour our national flag. We are proud of our national flag.


ii. Your school magazine

A school magazine is a book published every year by a school. Students and teachers work together to make it. It allows students to share their thoughts and ideas. Our school publishes a magazine called "The School Barshiki" annually. Students and teachers write poems, stories, riddles, jokes, and reports for the magazine. It also has pictures of our school's activities. My school magazine helps students of our school improve their thinking and writing skills. We are proud of our school magazine.

iii. Load Shedding

Load-shedding means no electricity. It happens when there's not enough power. It's caused by unplanned distribution and illegal connections. It affects homes, factories, shops, and hospitals. Machines stop in factories. Life at home becomes difficult without lights. Students and patients suffer. Food in fridges goes bad. Load-shedding is a big problem. We need more power, planned distribution, and no illegal connections. The government should take necessary action to stop load-shedding.

iv. Mobile phone

Mobile Phone is one of the wonder of modern science. It is a telephone system that works without any wire. Mobile Phone has become popular for rapid communication. People can contact with each other through it from anywhere of the world in second. Mobile phone also has multimedia features. So people can enjoy music, videos, radio by it. We can send messages and emails to each other through it. Nowadays people of all ages and all professions are using it. It has some disadvantages too. The criminals commit crimes without much difficulty using it. Mobile phone radiation is harmful for health. In spite of this there is not better alternative to mobile phone. 


v. A Book Fair

A book fair is a fair where books by various writers and on various subjects are displayed and sold. They are now held in almost every city and town on special occasions. These fairs showcase a wide range of books including poetry, fiction, biographies, children's books, and more. People of all ages, especially book lovers, visit the fair to choose and purchase books. The fair gets crowded in the afternoon on holidays, reminding us of the history of our Language Movement and the importance of books as our best friends. It also promotes education and knowledge through the publication and distribution of books.

E. E-mails:

i. Write an email to your friend wishing him/her happy birthday.


Answer: An email to my friend wishing him/her happy birthday.


Subject: Happy 14th Birthday!

Hi Sami!

Happy 14th birthday! Can't believe you're officially a teenager now! Wishing you an amazing day filled with joy, laughter, and lots of cake!

Have a fantastic birthday!




ii. Write an email to your friend inviting him to join a picnic.


Answer: An email to my friend inviting him to join a picnic.


Subject: Invitation to join a picnic

Hi Sami!

You will be glad to know that we are going to arrange a picnic on the 15th instant. This year we have selected 'Cox Bazar' as our picnic spot. We shall start our journey from our school gate at 8 am in the morning. I hope you will come in time and share with our joy. Don’t forget bring your camera with you. We are waiting for you eagerly.
No more today give my salaam to your parents and love to the youngers.

Your loving friend

Md Kabir

iii. Write an email to your friend inviting him/her to attend your sister’s marriage ceremony.

Answer: An email to my friend inviting him/her to attend my sister’s marriage ceremony.


Subject: Invitation to join my sister’s wedding ceremony.

Hi Sami,

Hope you are well by the grace of Allah. You will be glad to know that my elder sister Mim’s wedding ceremony will be held on June 10 at our home. You are most welcome at this wedding. My family and I would be very happy if you arrived 5 days before the scheduled date. Don’t forget to bring your younger sister with you. My parents will be very happy to have you among us

Yours ever


iv. Write an email to your friend requesting him/her to lend a book.


Answer: An email to my friend requesting him/her to lend a book.


Subject: A request to lend me your English book.

My Dear Sami,
Hope you are well by the grace of Allah. A few days ago, I lost my English First paper text book. So, I request you to lend me your English book for a few days. My father will buy a copy for me. I shall return the book as soon as possible. I shall be grateful to you for this act. No more today. With best love to you. 

Yours ever,





class 8 english 1st paper question

class 8 english 1st paper guide

class 8 important paragraph 2023

class 8 paragraph a farmer 2023

class 8 paragraph suggestion

class 8 paragraph traffic jam

class 8 paragraph a school magazine

class 8 paragrap Our national flag

class 8 paragrap Your school magazine

class 8 paragrap Load Shedding

class 8 paragrap Mobile phone

class 8 paragrap A Book Fair




Class Eight English First Paper 2023



Class Eight Syllabus 2023 


Half Yearly Examination

৮ম শ্রেণী ইংরেজি প্রথম পত্র 2023 অর্ধবার্ষিক পরীক্ষার সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী অনুচ্ছেদ, ইমেল এবং সংলাপ উত্তরসহ দেওয়া হয়েছে

C. Dialogue:

i. A dialogue between two friends on the bad effects of smoking

ii. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of physical exercise

iii. A dialogue between two friends about how to do well in the examination

iv. A dialogue between two friends about the benefits of early rising

v. A dialogue between you and your younger brother about the necessity of tree plantation.

D. Paragraph:

i. Our national flag

ii. Your school magazine

Iii. Load Shedding

iv. Mobile phone

v. A Book Fair

E. Formal/Informal: Email:

i. An email to your friend wishing him/her happy birthday.

ii. An email to your friend inviting him to join a picnic.

Iii. An email to your friend inviting him/her to attend your sister’s marriage ceremony.

iv. An email to your friend requesting him/her to lend a book.

C. Dialogue:

i. A dialogue between two friends on the bad effects of smoking

Answer: A dialogue between two friends on the bad effects of smoking:

Alam: Hey Akash, do you know about the bad effects of smoking?

Akash: Yeah, smoking is bad for our health, right?

Alam: It can cause lung cancer and heart problems.

Akash: Not only that, smoke can harm people around us.

Alam: It's also expensive.

Akash: We should encourage people to quit smoking and tell them about the bad effects of it.

ii. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of physical exercise

Answer: A dialogue between two friends about the importance of physical exercise:

Afifa: Hey, do you know the importance of physical exercise?

Ziha: No, I don't. Is it really necessary?

Afifa: Absolutely! Exercise keeps our bodies strong and fit.

Ziha: Really?

Afifa: Not only that, exercise improves our mood, gives us more energy, and helps reduce stress.

Ziha: Wow, that sounds amazing.

Afifa: Plus, regular exercise can lower the risk of diseases like heart problems and diabetes.

Ziha: Thanks for letting me know!


iii. A dialogue between two friends about how to do well in the examination

Answer: A dialogue between two friends about how to do well in the examination:

Hannan: Good morning, Bilal

Bilal: Good morning, Hannan

Hannan: Why are you looking so sad?

Bilal: My result is quite poor. I scored less than 40% marks in all       subjects. Can you give me some advice on how to do well in the                  exam?

Hannan: Sure, you should make a routine and study regularly. You should       make your own notes and revise them frequently.

Bilal: That are good points. Thanks for the advice!

Hannan: Welcome.


iv. A dialogue between two friends about the benefits of early rising

Answer: A dialogue between two friends about the benefits of early rising:

Rahim: Hi Karim. How are you?

Karim: I am fine. And you?

Rahim: I am also fine.

Karim: Can you tell me about the benefits of early rising?

Rahim: Yes, of course. There are many benefits of early rising. Early rising is a very good habit. It makes our body fit and strong. And It is good for the mind.

Karim: Really

Rahim: If a man gets up early in the morning, he can breathe fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is very important for the students. They get enough time to study.

Karim: Thank you very much.

Rahim: You're welcome.

v. A dialogue between you and your younger brother about the necessity of tree plantation.

Answer: A dialogue between me and my younger brother about the necessity of tree plantation:

Myself: Hello Ripon! How are you?

Ripon : Fine, I see you are going somewhere.

Myself: I am going to buy some tree plants for plantation.

Ripon : Is there any necessity of tree plantation?

Myself: You know that tree gives us oxygen, fruits, wood, shadow. Tree helps to cause rain fall.

Ripon : Interesting!

Myself: But people are cutting trees. So we should plant trees.

Ripon: Thanks.

D. Paragraphs:

i. Our national flag

Every nation has a flag of its own. Bangladesh also has a national flag. It is the symbol of our national sovereignty. Our national flag is a piece of rectangular green cloth with a red round patch in the middle. The proportion of its length and breadth is 10:6. The green colour stands for everlasting youth and vigor of the nation. The red colour is the symbol of the rising sun of independence. It also symbolizes the blood of our freedom fighters. The flag is hoisted everyday on the top of our important government buildings and educational institutions. It is hoisted everywhere on the Independence Day and the Victory Day. It is kept half-mast on the national mourning days. We honour our national flag. We are proud of our national flag.


ii. Your school magazine

A school magazine is a book published every year by a school. Students and teachers work together to make it. It allows students to share their thoughts and ideas. Our school publishes a magazine called "The School Barshiki" annually. Students and teachers write poems, stories, riddles, jokes, and reports for the magazine. It also has pictures of our school's activities. My school magazine helps students of our school improve their thinking and writing skills. We are proud of our school magazine.

iii. Load Shedding

Load-shedding means no electricity. It happens when there's not enough power. It's caused by unplanned distribution and illegal connections. It affects homes, factories, shops, and hospitals. Machines stop in factories. Life at home becomes difficult without lights. Students and patients suffer. Food in fridges goes bad. Load-shedding is a big problem. We need more power, planned distribution, and no illegal connections. The government should take necessary action to stop load-shedding.

iv. Mobile phone

Mobile Phone is one of the wonder of modern science. It is a telephone system that works without any wire. Mobile Phone has become popular for rapid communication. People can contact with each other through it from anywhere of the world in second. Mobile phone also has multimedia features. So people can enjoy music, videos, radio by it. We can send messages and emails to each other through it. Nowadays people of all ages and all professions are using it. It has some disadvantages too. The criminals commit crimes without much difficulty using it. Mobile phone radiation is harmful for health. In spite of this there is not better alternative to mobile phone. 


v. A Book Fair

A book fair is a fair where books by various writers and on various subjects are displayed and sold. They are now held in almost every city and town on special occasions. These fairs showcase a wide range of books including poetry, fiction, biographies, children's books, and more. People of all ages, especially book lovers, visit the fair to choose and purchase books. The fair gets crowded in the afternoon on holidays, reminding us of the history of our Language Movement and the importance of books as our best friends. It also promotes education and knowledge through the publication and distribution of books.

E. E-mails:

i. Write an email to your friend wishing him/her happy birthday.


Answer: An email to my friend wishing him/her happy birthday.


Subject: Happy 14th Birthday!

Hi Sami!

Happy 14th birthday! Can't believe you're officially a teenager now! Wishing you an amazing day filled with joy, laughter, and lots of cake!

Have a fantastic birthday!




ii. Write an email to your friend inviting him to join a picnic.


Answer: An email to my friend inviting him to join a picnic.


Subject: Invitation to join a picnic

Hi Sami!

You will be glad to know that we are going to arrange a picnic on the 15th instant. This year we have selected 'Cox Bazar' as our picnic spot. We shall start our journey from our school gate at 8 am in the morning. I hope you will come in time and share with our joy. Don’t forget bring your camera with you. We are waiting for you eagerly.
No more today give my salaam to your parents and love to the youngers.

Your loving friend

Md Kabir

iii. Write an email to your friend inviting him/her to attend your sister’s marriage ceremony.

Answer: An email to my friend inviting him/her to attend my sister’s marriage ceremony.


Subject: Invitation to join my sister’s wedding ceremony.

Hi Sami,

Hope you are well by the grace of Allah. You will be glad to know that my elder sister Mim’s wedding ceremony will be held on June 10 at our home. You are most welcome at this wedding. My family and I would be very happy if you arrived 5 days before the scheduled date. Don’t forget to bring your younger sister with you. My parents will be very happy to have you among us

Yours ever


iv. Write an email to your friend requesting him/her to lend a book.


Answer: An email to my friend requesting him/her to lend a book.


Subject: A request to lend me your English book.

My Dear Sami,
Hope you are well by the grace of Allah. A few days ago, I lost my English First paper text book. So, I request you to lend me your English book for a few days. My father will buy a copy for me. I shall return the book as soon as possible. I shall be grateful to you for this act. No more today. With best love to you. 

Yours ever,





class 8 english 1st paper question

class 8 english 1st paper guide

class 8 important paragraph 2023

class 8 paragraph a farmer 2023

class 8 paragraph suggestion

class 8 paragraph traffic jam

class 8 paragraph a school magazine

class 8 paragrap Our national flag

class 8 paragrap Your school magazine

class 8 paragrap Load Shedding

class 8 paragrap Mobile phone

class 8 paragrap A Book Fair




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